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It's very hot

In efforts to stay cool I've been downing bottles of tea, gave the kids a bath and cleaned my shower completely since it is filling with mold at an amazing rate. Nothing seems to help, and living by myself now I can't blame someone else (sorry mom!) for my heat induced misery. I am learning to live with being hot and grossly sweaty. Yay Japan teaching me life lessons!

I am finding mold on the most bizarre things lately and the giant bugs in my house are impressively gigantic. I guess it is officially summer! YAY!

I went to climb Nokogiriyama in Kyonan this morning because I need exercise and it's a beautiful spot!

It's a rather rough climb for a gross humid day, but it's one of my favorite places in Chiba and home to Japan's largest stone Buddha!!!

This is a shot from my first time visiting the mountain. We surprised the teachers of our exchange school from Wisconsin to a climb on the mountain early in the morning the day after they arrived. We were all exhausted when we finished and we'd only walked half of it!!

The view from the top!! (not today, it was too cloudy :(  ) 
Nokogiriyama is a really fun climb, easy to get to and only costs 600 yen (about $6) for admission. There is also a ropeway that goes up the Northern side if you don't think you can make the climb. There is an observation area and snack bar at the top on that side. 
Parking is free on the Southern side lot and that entrance is only a few steps away from the Buddha and Nihonji temple. Access from Hota station is very easy too if you don't have a car.

Chiba AJET led a trip to the mountain last month and any new Chiba JETs who are interested should definitely go! It makes a nice easy day trip and there are tons of seafood restaurants and day onsen right in that area. You may want to wait until its a little cooler to go though.

A little more info for those of you who can read Japanese.

1 件のコメント:

  1. OMG yes so hot!!! I have the tendency to finish whole pet bottles in 20-30 minutes, even though I am trying to make them last...

    And the mold is horrible! >_< I can't wait for rainy season to be over...

    I plan on taking you up on Nokogiriyama after things calm down (and the weather is nice and cool)! Maybe in the fall??? <3
